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Foliar sprays of potassium nitrate markedly increase income of tangerine growers
A continuous 4-years' field-experiment investigated the effects of three foliar applications of NOP (potassium nitrate) at 28 kg/ha each, on fruit yield and fruit size distribution of 'Sunburst' tangerine, in Indian River County, Florida, USA. The sprays were carried out in winter-time (February), post-bloom (April) and in Summer-time (August). In each year the NOP treatment produced 30% or more of size-120 fruit and larger, during the first spot (size-selective) harvest, as compared to the unsprayed control. In two of the years, in the final total harvest, the NOP treatment produced 23% more size-120 fruit and larger, compared to the unsprayed control. This marked increase in the share of the premium size fruit, increased the Gross Packed Value (GPV) by 6047 $US/ha, compared to the unsprayed control. No apparent detrimental effects on fruit shape or internal quality was registered.
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