SPN in the Field, Apple Orchard – Poland
KNO3 as the most efficient source to manage yield and quality parameters whithin the season
KNO3 as indespensable source to supply essential nutrients in a balanced way
KNO3 as the most efficient source to manage yield and quality parameters whithin the season

SPN in the Field – Table Grapes, Guaymas, Mexico
Jesús Valdes, General Manager of SQM in the State of Sonora Mexico briefly talks about the benefits of potassium nitrate in grape cultivation.
Jesús Valdes, General Manager of SQM in the State of Sonora Mexico briefly talks about the benefits of potassium nitrate in grape cultivation.

SPECIALTY PLANT NUTRITION: Potassium nitrate experience in lettuce
Potassium nitrate experience in lettuce
Particularly in lettuce crop is important to use nitrate fertilizers. In this video is explained why potassium nitrate suits lettuce very well, what is the importance of having a balanced nutrition, and what is the impact in the quality of the crop by using potassium nitrate.

SPN in the Field, Uva – Hermosillo
Juan Pablo Berrios, Gerente Técnico de SQM en el Estado de Sonora México habla brevemente sobre los beneficios del Ultrasol FEP en el cultivo de uvas.
Juan Pablo Berrios, Gerente Técnico de SQM en el Estado de Sonora México habla brevemente sobre los beneficios del Ultrasol FEP en el cultivo de uvas.

SPN in the Field – Banano, Ecuador
Marcelo Medranda, SQM agronomist in Ecuador, presents the benefits of Qrop® mix formulas in bananas
Marcelo Medranda, SQM agronomist in Ecuador, presents the benefits of Qrop® mix formulas in bananas, and explains the process of customized formulas to improve farmer's yield in Las Tecas farm in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

SQM Nutrition -SPN in the Field – Strawberry – California – USA
Buttonwillow’s Crop Advisor, Jose Ramirez, shares his personal experience with Ultrasol®ine, and takes us through his involvement in a strawberry trial done in Santa Maria Valley in California, where they witnessed outstanding results after implementing Ultrasol®ine, and recounts the decision to try this innovative product, and the impact it had on the crop.

Successful cases – Tomate y Chiles, Ultrasol FEP – México
This video shows the work done with formulas according to the need for the crop, Ultrasol FEP
Mexico is one of the countries with a large agronomic size and export crops. This video shows the work done with formulas according to the need for the crop, Ultrasol FEP. These formulas can be used in the different stages of tomato and chili crops, providing excellent results in plants.

SPN Successful cases – Chrysantemums, Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica – The Netherlands
The Netherlands, the world’s largest exporter of flowers, opens its doors to us to demonstrate the benefits of Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica, developed jointly with our local distributor Royal Brinkman to grow different sorts of ornamental flowers.
The Netherlands, the world's largest exporter of flowers, opens its doors to us to demonstrate the benefits of Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica, developed jointly with our local distributor Royal Brinkman to grow different sorts of ornamental flowers.

SPN Successful cases, Grapes – South Africa
A farmer in South Africa explains how potassium nitrate has helped in the development of their table grapes
The manager of a table grapes cultivar in South Africa, explains the benefits and changes that have taken place in their crop since they use SQM's potassium nitrate.

SPN Successful cases, Tobacco – Zimbabwe
Tobacco producer explains the benefit of potassium nitrate in the crop
Richard Taylor, manager of a tobacco farm in Zimbabwe, shares their experience with SQM's fertilizer program using potassium nitrate, and how it has impacted on the quality of both in the green and cured leaf.

SPN Successful cases, Lisianthus, Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica – The Netherlands
he Netherlands, the largest flower exporter in the world opens its doors and allows us to demonstrate the benefits of Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica
The Netherlands, the largest flower exporter in the world opens its doors and allows us to demonstrate the benefits of Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica, developed in conjunction with our local distributor Royal Brinkman, for the cultivation of different types of ornamental flowers.

SPN Successful cases – Gerbera, Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica – The Netherlands
The Netherlands, the world's largest exporter of flowers, opens its doors to us to demonstrate the benefits of Ultrasol Easy Bag Hydroponica, developed jointly with our local distributor Royal Brinkman to grow different sorts of ornamental flowers.

SPN Successful cases, Tomate invernadero – México
Juan Antonio Segura León, Director operativo del Centro de Producción Santa Rita, cuenta su experiencia utilizando Ultrasol 13-2-44 de SQM y como ha impactado en la calidad del cultivo.
Juan Antonio Segura León, Director operativo del Centro de Producción Santa Rita, cuenta su experiencia utilizando Ultrasol 13-2-44 de SQM y como ha impactado en la calidad del cultivo.

SPN Successful cases, Banana – Mexico
Banana farmer highlights the benefits of using SQM's granular potassium nitrate
Arturo Góngora, banana farm owner in Tapachula, Mexico, share his experience using SQM products for more than 8 years, where he highlights the benefits and advantages of using Qrop® KS and the special formulas on request of Qrop® mix.

Benefits of potassium nitrate over alternative K and N sources
Benefits of potassium nitrate over alternative K and N sources
This is a 4 chapter series in which Hamern Tjalling Holwerda explains why potassium nitrate is the best K source for plant nutrition, over other alternative K and N sources.

Benefits of Potassium Nitrate on water use efficiency
This chapter explains how abiotic stress causes drought stress, and how potassium nitrate improves plant's water management, increases water uptake efficiency, prevents water loss and prevents undesirable salinization of the root zone.
This chapter explains how abiotic stress causes drought stress, and how potassium nitrate improves plant's water management, increases water uptake efficiency, prevents water loss and prevents undesirable salinization of the root zone.