

Eggplant phenological phases and their nutrition requirements - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


Eggplant phenological phases and their nutrition requirements

Recommendations for mineral nutrition of eggplants grown in open field, at yield level of 50-55 MT/ha

Recommendations for mineral nutrition of eggplants grown in open field, at yield level of 50-55 MT/ha

Some other important fact about egg-plant mineral nutrition are:

  • There is diurnal variation in nutrient absorption. A higher proportion of P tends to be absorbed during the night than N or K. 
  • The optimum nutrient concentration per 100 g of dry soil, under greenhouse conditions was found to be 25 mg N, 40 mg P, 30 mg S, 70 mg K, and 80 mg Ca and Mg (Suzuki et al. 1985).
  • For eggplant, applications of 100 kg N/ha, half in urea (50%) and half in poultry manure (50%), resulted in higher yields (45,8 mt/ha) than the same level of nitrogen applied in urea alone (37,8 mt/ha). 

Egglant phenological phases