

Berries | Ultra Crops Nourished by SQM | SQM Nutrition
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Ultra Berries Nourished by SQM

The importance of proper nutrition

The application of balanced nutrition in different types of crops aims to ensure adequate aerial and root growth to be able to store the greatest amount of carbohydrates in specialized organs. Proper nutrition of the crop is a key factor in obtaining good crops and fruits. In order to achieve an adequate nutrition plan in berries, it is necessary to know the nutrient demand in terms of quantity and type of nutrient. It is also important to know the role of each nutrient on crop growth, yield and quality of production.

On this page we present information on trials carried out in different countries in which the nutritional needs of each crop are analyzed, as well as recommendations on the efficient and sustainable management of specialty plant nutrition in red fruits such as Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Red Plums, among others.

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Ultrasol FEP Berries +MX

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