

Sustainable agriculture | SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition

Contributing to a sustainable Agriculture

At SQM, Sustainability is a core value that drives us to constantly take on new environmental challenges and commitments that are aligned with the aspirations of neighboring communities, our workers, customers, contractors and the diverse stakeholders with which we engage.

In this spirit, we built our Sustainability Aspiration around three cornerstones: solutions for human progress, our people and our environment. The plan was developed based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

As the worldwide leader in the production and commercialization of potassium nitrate we care how our core product impacts in the world, worrying about environmental, natural and crop health. We strongly believe on the potential of our products to contribute to the highest level of yield, using as less resources as possible. We also keep close track of our KNO3 footprint emissions and we are very proud that it has the lowest emissions in the industry.

mapa de chile

Operations in Chile

In addition, 90% of the energy used in the production process comes from the sun.

SQM has approximately 4,000 hectares of solar evaporation ponds, allowing it to take advantage of significant amounts of energy.

This method is only possible because the Atacama Desert has extremely high levels of solar radiation, which results in high evaporation rates and facilitates the process of concentration of salts in ponds throughout the year.

·This method is only possible because the Atacama Desert has extremely high levels of solar radiation, which results in high evaporation rates and facilitates the process of concentration of salts in ponds throughout the year.

You can learn more about our production process here:

This production process makes it the KNO3 source with the lowest Greenhouse Gas emissions in the industry.

This calculation estimates the carbon footprint (t CO2 equivalents) related to the production of potassium nitrate fertilizer by metric ton. All emissions with GWP (Global Warming Potential) are included, and all the direct and indirect emissions from all materials directly related to the production of the particular fertilizer products listed in the Annex and delivered at the harbor.

Additionally, the calculation includes the estimated emissions from purchased energy and indirect emissions resulting from the production and transportation of raw materials and final products.

infografia tabla huella de carbono