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Seed priming with potassium nitrate reduced the emergence time of processing tomatoes


A two year consecutive experiment of priming tomato seeds cv. "UC 82 B", was performed in Darlington Point, New South Wales, Australia, soaking the seeds in a solution of K2HPO4 and KNO3 (-1,25 MPa) for 12 days at 15 °C. Early season and mid-season plantings were carried out in each of the two growing seasons. It was found that primed seeds reduced the degree days of growth by approximately 35%, at an air temperature> 10 ° C, necessary for an emergency of 80%, in each sowing season. The seedlings emerged 4-5 days before the seeds the ones unprimed in the first sowings, and 1-2 days in the last sowings. The precocity of the primary cultures was maintained throughout the ontogeny, resulting in an earlier flowering, fruiting and ripening, without changes in the size of the plants, nor in the final yield. The priming of seeds allows to shorten the stage of establishment of the early crops.

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