

Results - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


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Benefits of KNO3-based nutrition in Apple crops


Research shows that the use of KNO3-based fertilizers in apple orchards leads to better color, taste (sugar content) and firmness. Like in many other crops, proper K nutrition also leads to better peal quality, with impact on storability and shelf life.

KNO3-based fertilizers outperform KCI and K2SO4-based programs- providing faster, more balanced and more efficient nutrient uptake- making them an ideal source for split applications as a tool to manage the fruit size towards the most economical optimum classes. Research indicates that fruit tree nutrient reserve benefit from split and well-balanced nutrition based on KNO3, leading to a better number of flowers, improving yield in the subsequent season.

Higher yields

  • Better flowering and fruit set
  • Bigger sized apples
  • More flexibility towards the optimum economical size classes when applied in split applications

Better quality

  • More homogeneous fruit
  • Better color
  • Higher sugar content and better taste
  • Better peal quality
  • Better storability and shelf life

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