

Results - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


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Potassium nitrate sprays improve earliness of fruit maturation in strawberry

Potassium nitrate, was experimented to break strawberry plants' dormancy in order to enhance the earliness of the crop. The experiments were carried out in two successive seasons (1992-94), using 'Chandler' and 'Pajaro' cultivars, fresh and frigo plants, and two spraying concentrations of potassium nitrate i.e. 1.5% and 3%. Potassium nitrate applications significantly increased the earliness of treated plants in two of the three experiments. Early fruit obtained by 3%NOP was 23.5% higher than by the control. Total yield of this treatment was increased was 32.2% higher than the control. Mean fruit mass of both NOP treatments was 4% higher than in the control. These treatments did not increase the incidence of malformed fruits.

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