

Results - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


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14% more net income from improved yield with SQM's programme in Flame Seedless table grapes in Sonora, Mexico


Two formulas: Ultrasol® Vegetative 8,4-10-22-9,3 (MgO) + micronutrients and Ultrasol® Generative 3-7-33-8 (MgO) + micronutrients were developed to meet both the need of the crop post-harvest, and during flowering, fruit set and maturation. Compared to the farmers practice, a consistent yield increase of more than 1 MT/ha was achieved in the 2018/2019 season. The number and weight of the bunches was higher following the SQM programme, but also vegetative parameters before flowering and fruit qualities like colour intensity and taste were greatly improved.

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