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Increased soybean yields with foliar applications of potassium nitrate based sprays
In this series of experiments the researchers checked two methods of potassium application on the yields of soybeans in Italy 1.) Base-dressing at 0, 50, 75 or 100 kg/ha of K2O, in the form of potassium chloride (KCl). Highest soybean yield was obtained at 75 kg/ha of K2O. It was 29% higher than the 0-application rate. 2.) Two foliar sprays of the plants with potassium nitrate (NOP), at the stages of V3 (3rd node) and R3 (early pod development) at application rates of 0 or 5 kg/ha of K2O. Other treatments of this experiment featured a combination of 5 kg/ha of K2O as NOP, with 1,32 kg/ha of P2O5 in the form of the water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers urea phosphate or tech-grade MAP. Highest soybean yield was obtained at 5 kg/ha of K2O. It was 12% higher than the 0-application rate. Integrating the P2O5 in the NOP spray slightly reduced the yield.
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