

Results - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


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Foliar potassium nitrate application increased yield, yield components and lint quality of cotton

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of NOP (potassium nitrate) on yield and fiber quality of cotton. Treatments were: one foliar NOP spray during flowering at concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% or 2.0%; three foliar NOP sprays at above mentioned concentrations: 1st at flowering, 2nd and 3rd at 14 days intervals. Highest plants and their biomass, number of bolls and yield, were always obtained at 2% NOP, followed by 1.5%. The 3-sprays treatment produced significantly more bolls/plant (61.2) than one spray (54.1) and better lint quality characteristics. Maximum values of fiber length, strength, and uniformity were registered at 2% NOP, But micronaire, was best at 1.5% NOP. Sprays number were not significant regarding fiber quality parameters. Foliar applications of potassium may be used to supplement soil applications to maximize yields and improve quality of cotton.

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