High production potato growers KNO3W to use SQM Potassium Nitrate
Ultrasol® K Plus and Qrop® KN helps to increase yields
Side dressing potatoes with Ultrasol® K Plus and Qrop® KN helps to increase yields
- Potato plants absorb large quantities of nitrogen and potassium throughout the growing season. lt is important that nitrogen and potassium availability to the plant is as high as possible.
- Potassium nitrate fertilizers such as Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN provide readily available sources of nitrogen and potassium that are quickly absorbed in comparison to potassium chloride or potassium sulfate fertilizers.
- Potassium nitrate fertilizers such as Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN are very effective in sidedress applications during early crop growth.
Ultrasol® K Plus and Qrop® KN helps to increase tuber yield and size distribution
- Sidedress potato plants with Ultrasol® K Plus and Qrop® KN increased tuber yield and tuber size distribution of Canela Russet.
- Many of the treatments that involved sidedress with Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN up to row closure increased total marketable (> 4 ounces), premium size (> 6 ounces), and medium size tuber yield compared to potato plants that did not receive any sidedres with Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN.
- Alternate sidedress with Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN up to row closure increased total and marketable (> 4 oz) tuber yield by 28% and 32%, respectively, when compared to pre-plant application of potassium sulfate without Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN at sidedress.
Growers can see the difference
Growers can see the results for themselves - sidedressing potatoes with Ultrasol® K Plus or Qrop® KN up to row closure helps to increase potassium uptake throughout the growing season which enhances early tuber bulking and increases tuber yield.
Thanks to Samuel YC Essah, Ph.D., Associate Professor and State Extension specialist, Colorado State University Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture based at CSU's San Luis Va/ley Research Center.