

Potassium nitrate sources to fit the diversity of agriculture - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


Potassium nitrate sources to fit the diversity of agriculture

SQM produces potassium nitrate from Caliche Ore and Salar Brines, two natural resources found in northern Chile. Caliche is mined from surface deposits in the Atacama Desert. The Salar brines are pumped from the underground in the Salar de Atacama (Atacama Salt Flat) after which they are transferred to large solar evaporation ponds to physically separate the desired elements. Nitrates are produced after the caliche mineral is crushed and exposed to a leaching process with water. Sodium nitrate is obtained from this leached solution by crystallization. This mixture is then subject to other processes such as crystallization, refining and drying to yield potassium nitrate. 


Ultrasol® K Plus

Ultrasol® K Plus is a free-flowing, water soluble fine crystalline powder. lt can be mixed with all water-soluble fertilizers. lt is also compatible with the majority of pesticides in foliar application. Ultrasol® K Plus can be used to cover the potassium needs of a crop without supplying excess of sulphate or chloride. Applications are foliar or injection. 





Ultrasol®ine K Plus

Ultrasol®ine is SQM's brand of potassium nitrate that contains the newly discovered plant nutrient, iodine. Ultrasol®ine K Plus makes it easy for farmers to ensure the right amount of iodine in the nutrient solution and prevents excess uptake of iodine in leaves or fruits.






Ultrasol®ution K

Ultrasol®ution K is pure potassium nitrate in liquid form. lt is a clear solution and is compatible with fertilizers and pesticides. Ultrasol®ution K 3-0-10 and 2.7-0-9 are an ideal source for liquid blending and mixing in the field.





Qrop® KN

Qrop® KN is SQM's prilled potassium nitrate. lt is a virtually chloride free potassium source. Qrop® KN is not a hazardous product according to the Department of Transport nor the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. lts uniform and consistent particle size make it ideal for blending with other dry fertilizers such as urea, MAP and ammonium sulfate.






Rick Loya
San Joaquin Valley Sales Rep
(559) 362 5866

Kevin Gomes
Coastal California Sales Rep
(805) 975 3504

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