

Potassium nitrate plus surfactant sprays suppressed pecan aphid populations. - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


Potassium nitrate plus surfactant sprays suppressed pecan aphid populations.

The aim of the study was to verify if early season spraying of pecan solely with potassium nitrate/surfactant (PN+S) would increase nut yield. The treatments did not influence yield components, foliar K nutrition or net photosynthesis, but they did suppress “yellow-type” aphid populations in pecan trees. Water sprays alone suppressed aphid populations and the addition of KNO3 (0,5%) plus surfactant (0,15%) provided an additional level of suppression (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Influence of foliar sprays on juvenile yellow-type pecan aphid populations on pecan foliage 1 day after spraying. Treatments: control (unsprayed), water, PN (potassium nitrate) and S, surfactant, trisodium-phosphate-based Sears detergent.

Wood, B. W., J.A. Payne and M.T. Smith. 1995. Suppressing pecan aphid populations using potassium nitrate plus surfactant sprays. HortScience, 30 (3): 513-516.


Wood, B. W., J.A. Payne and M.T. Smith.