

Foliar potassium nitrate application increased cotton yield and quality parameters - SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition


Foliar potassium nitrate application increased cotton yield and quality parameters

In a study in Argentina 9 kg KNO3/ha/spray was applied two or three times, at a weekly interval, starting at first flower appearance. Both foliar treatments increased significantly lint yield, lint percentage, micronaire and fibre length (Tables 1 and 2), when compared to the untreated control plot. On the parameters tested, there was no statistically significant difference between the numbers of KNO3 sprays (i.e. 2 or 3 sprays) applied.

Table 1. The effect of foliar applied potassium nitrate dose rates on lint yield, fertilizer use efficiency, % lint and the seed index.

Table 2. The effect of foliar applied potassium nitrate dose rates on micronaire, fibre length, length uniformity and fibre strength.



Mondino, M. and L. Araujo. 2011. Fertilización foliar con nitrato de potasio para mejorar la cantidad y calidad de fibra del algodón en surcos estrechos a 0,52 m. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ALGODÃO, 8.; COTTON EXPO, 1., 2011, São Paulo. Evolução da cadeia para construção de um setor forte: Anais. Campina Grande, PB: Embrapa Algodão, 2011. p.1863-1871. (CD-ROM)

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