

Francisco Velazquez Quirino, autor en SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition
Francisco Velazquez Quirino: SQM Technical Commercial Representative

Francisco Velazquez Quirino

SQM Technical Commercial Representative

Artículos escritos
My name is Francisco Javier Velázquez Quirino. I have been an SQM Technical Commercial Representative of the northern area since 2019. I am an Agronomist, and a graduate of the Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro, Laguna Unit, Mexico (UAAAN). My career is as follows: *2 years as a Field Manager at AGRO-DESERT, specializing in onion production. *1 year as Manager at the 4 HERMANOS ranch, specializing in tomato production. *3 years as General Manager at the ALGORTA ranch, specializing in tomato production. *1 year as Technical Representative with SQM in the northern area, offering support and advice to farmers on plant nutrition for various types of crops. I am currently living in San Pedro, Coahuila, but my working area includes Coahuila, Durango and part of Chihuahua.

Más vida útil para el tomate de invernadero en Coahuila

Les quiero compartir una experiencia interesante que vivimos en Rancho Algorta, un invernadero dedicado a la producción de tomate para exportación y consumo nacional que está situado en San Pedro...

Nuestros expertos

Felipe Garziera
Juan Francisco Palma Mendoza
Gerente de desarrollo de mercados Nutrición Vegetal de Especialidad
Koen D’Haeyer
Technical Service Support Manager for Sales of Specialty Plant Nutrition
Modesto Mojena
Gerente Técnico-Comercial Zona Centro-Sur, de SQM Comercial de México SA de CV
Luis Vásquez Reyes
Representante técnico-comercial en Bajío (Querétaro y Guanajuato)