

Speedfol Cotton SP, increase and Crop loss reduction
Speedfol Cotton SP
  • Speedfol® Cotton SP contains elevated levels of K, Mg and B to maximize photosynthetic capacity, flower fertility, boll  retention (less boll drop), boll weight and fiber quality (length uniformity, strength). In addition, adequate potassium levels result in stronger cell walls. Stronger plant cells are less susceptible to fungal disease attacks, like Stemphylium and Alternaria leaf spot.
Τεχνικές πληροφορίες
N: 15,0 %
P2O5: 5,0 %
K2O: 31,0 %
MgO: 3,2 %
SO3: 6,7 %
B: 0,500
Cu-EDTA: 0,004
Fe-EDTA: 0,102
Mn-EDTA: 0,020
Mo: 0,001
Zn-EDTA: 0,010
* Διαθέσιμο σε: United States